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The Friedenskirche, or Peace Church (St. Nicholas’ Church), is probably the oldest church in Frankfurt. Construction began around…
The Church of the Holy Spirit (“Heilig-Geist-Kirche”) was first mentioned as a hospital foundation in 1308. The existing…
Donated by the cathedral chapter for the spiritual needs of the citizens of Güstrow, the parish church of St. Mary (“St. Marien”…
The collegiate foundation of Güstrow was established in 1226 by Duke Heinrich Borwin II and Bishop Brunward of Schwerin. The construction…
Erstmals urkundlich erwähnt wurde die St.-Petri-Kirche 1170. Die Kirche erfuhr mehrere Umbauten und erhielt erst im 15. Jahrhundert Ihr…
St. Nicholas’ Church (“Nikolaikirche”) was completed in the second half of the 15th century and has always been regarded…
The Doberan Minster, a true gem of North German Brick Gothic architecture, impresses and fascinates with an almost completely preserved…
The foundation stone of the cathedral (“Brandenburger Dom”) was laid in 1165, making it one of the oldest brick buildings east…
The concert hall “Carl Pilipp Emanuel Bach” is a former Franciscan monastery church, which was built around 1270 as a three…
The oldest town house in the old town is the merchant’s house at Südermarkt (No. 12, today Nikolai Pharmacy). The late Gothic stepped…