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Town wall The defensive ring of the medieval town wall embraced Parchim from the early 14th century until the second half of the 19th…
St. Mary’s Church is Europe’s largest brick church. This monumental hall church was built over a period of 150 years during the Hanseatic…
Der erste Kirchenbau der St.-Katharinen-Kirche (polnisch: Kościół Św. Katarzyny) an dieser Stelle geht auf das 12. Jahrhundert zurück. Ein…
The Crane, the largest port crane of medieval Europe, is one of the most characteristic buildings of Gdańsk. It was used to reload goods…
Es fällt einem als Besucher schwer, nicht auf Anhieb von den majestätischen Dimensionen der Domkirche zu Haderslev überwältigt zu sein. Mit…
Roskilde Cathedral is the most important church in Denmark. Its richly decorated vaults and dark crypts hold 1000 years of Danish history.…
Known far beyond the borders of Brandenburg, Chorin’s early Gothic Cistercian monastery, built from 1272 onwards, was the most…
The former Cistercian and Benedictine nuns abbey complex (polnish: Dawny cystersko-benedyktyński zespół klasztorny) Built in the 13th/14th…
For centuries, the mighty edifice of the St. Mary’s Church (“St. Marien”) has dominated Rostock’s market square and…
Built between 1953 and 1958, Lange Street (“Lange Straße”) in Rostock is the largest contiguous urban development to have been…