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Built in the middle of the 16th century, the massive Marschtorzwinger is the last of formerly five round towers that fortified the corners…
Located in the heart of the old town and already visible from afar, the town’s landmark is the over 700-year-old St. Peter’s…
A distinctive feature of Buxtehude is its 13th-century inner-town harbour as a part of an artificial waterway, the Fleth. It was built…
Vermutlich ließ der damalige Bürgermeister Marcus Möller das heute Bürgerhaus genannte Gebäude errichten. Er war 1513 in den Senat gewählt…
St. Mary’s Church (“St. Marien”) can confidently be called the mother church of Brick Gothic. Its construction is closely…
The oldest part of the town hall (“Rathaus”), the court loggia (“Gerichtslaube”), a 14th century brick building, as…
St. Nicholas Cathedral (“Dom St. Nikolaus”), a wide hall church with a transept and a double tower façade, ranks among the most…
Schwerin Cathedral (“Schweriner Dom”) is one of the most important buildings of the North German Brick Gothic style. The 105…
The tower of St. Stephen’s Church (“St.-Stephans-Kirche”) is 87.5 meters high. With its baroque spire it dominates the…
Von der erstmals 1009 erwähnten Burg in Tangermünde sind nur wenige Gebäude erhalten geblieben. Dort wo einst die Kernburg zu finden war,…