The story of the European Route of Brick Gothic

European Route of Brick Gothic: Attractive heritage of regions and cities Bricks are everywhere in the Baltic Sea region. They are historical witnesses of the middle ages in northern European coastal countries. This authenticity and the common architectural language associated with medieval brick buildings are the focus of the association European Route of Brick Gothic […]

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10 Jahre Europäische Route der Backsteingotik e. V. *

Zweieinhalb Tage lang begingen Mitglieder des Vereins “Europäische Route der Backsteingotik e. V.” seinen 10-jährigen Geburtstag in Greifswald – dem Ort, an dem der Verein vor 10 Jahren gegründet wurde. Vom 24. bis 26. September 2017 lernten die Teilnehmer der Feierlichkeit Greifswald bei einer Nachtwächterführung sowie detaillierten Führungen im Dom St. Nikolai und der Marienkirche […]

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10 Years of the European Route of Brick Gothic Association

For two and a half days, members of the “European Route of Brick Gothic” Association celebrated its 10th anniversary in Greifswald – the place where the Association was founded 10 years ago. Over the course of two days – from 24 to 26 September 2017 – guests attending the celebrations in Greifswald were given a […]

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