
Die wechselvolle Geschichte von Haderslev lebt weiter in den schönen Bürgerhäusern und der Domkirche, dem ältesten Gebäude der Stadt, dessen Turm sich majestätisch über die Dächer der Wohn- und Geschäftshäuser erhebt. Kopfsteingepflasterte Altstadtstraßen, versteckte Innenhöfe und verschlungene Gässchen laden den Besucher zu einer historischen und kulturellen Entdeckungsreise ein. Wenn Sie mit dem Segelboot durch den […]

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Dänemark ist praktisch auf allen Seiten von Wasser umgeben. Kein Ort ist mehr als 50 Kilometer von der Küste entfernt. Traumhafte, menschenleere Strände, klare Sommernächte, für Einheimische und Touristen frei zugängliche Wälder, ein Reigen kulinarischer Genüsse und obendrein noch eine interessante, weit zurückreichende Geschichte. Wo immer Sie sich befinden, werden Sie auf Museen und alte […]

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The former Hanseatic City of Gdańsk used to be the most important Baltic Sea port in the historical region of Pomerilia. Its history goes back more than a thousand years. Around 1224, the merchant settlement was granted city rights by the Pomeranian Duke Swantopolk II. It quickly developed into an important trade location, making it […]

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Das Land ist geprägt von seiner Verschiedenheit. Im Süden Polens liegen die Karpaten mit dem Tatra-Gebirge, das Beskiden- und Bieszczady-Gebirge, sowie die Sudeten. Hier grenzt Polen an die Tschechische und Slowakische Republik. Die östlichen Nachbarn sind Litauen, Weißrussland, die Russische Föderation und die Ukraine, während westlich der Oder Deutschland beginnt. Landschaftlich besonders attraktiv ist die […]

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Discover 800 years of history! Welcome to the European Route of Brick Gothic. Hundreds of fascinating brick buildings, embedded within an idyllic landscape and picturesque old towns, open up fascinating insights into an architectural style that is unique to northern Europe: Brick Gothic. 800 years ago, wealth and power were concentrated along the Hanseatic League […]

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Discover 800 years of history! Welcome to the European Route of Brick Gothic. Hundreds of fascinating brick buildings, embedded within an idyllic landscape and picturesque old towns, open up fascinating insights into an architectural style that is unique to northern Europe: Brick Gothic. 800 years ago, wealth and power were concentrated along the Hanseatic League […]

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Over several centuries, the “Queen of the Hanseatic League” played a leading role, and this is still clearly visible today. The self-confidence, power and wealth of its free citizens and merchants during the Middle Ages are reflected in the Brick Gothic buildings of this Hanseatic city, which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987. […]

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Płock is the former capital of Mazovia. The city can look back to a thousand years of history and is one of the oldest cities in Poland. As early as the 12th century, a first church was built on Tumskie Hill in the same site where today’s cathedral is towering majestically over the city. The […]

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Olsztyn belonged to the dominion of the Warmian cathedral chapter in Frombork and was granted municipal rights in 1353 by the chapter. In the Middle Ages Olsztyn was one of the most important centres of power of the Prince Bishopric of Warmia within the State of the Teutonic Order, being the seat of one of […]

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The town of Grudziądz in former West Prussia is located on the right bank of the Vistula between Toruń and Gdańsk. In 1291 the town was granted municipal privileges by Kulm law and was surrounded by a town wall in the following years. In the course of the 14th century it developed into a centre […]

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